Thanks to training there's not enough time for me to write much nowadays. Nonetheless there is one thing that I've discovered and proud to be apart of and that's End Game Training.
My experience with end game could not have come at a better time. I was on a journey to disconnect myself from those big corporate in your face gyms. As a trainer you'll quickly realize that those big name gyms produce big time disappointments. However I was fortunate enough to find myself sitting with a very positive and happy individual in a NYC coffee shop discussing my experience as a trainer/athlete, my ups and downs with corporate gyms and my philosophy towards training others.
This brings me to my point. If you are looking for an experience like no other I'd encourage you to continue reading.
When you walk into end game and ask, Where are all the machines? Remember this, you a machine. So incase you didn't know, NYC is going to be blown away once everyone discovers End Game Training. Now I'm sure your thinking, what is end game training? Well, here's my perspective on what end game training is all about.
End game training is a lifestyle change that prioritizes your healths ability to adapt to many different experiences at a high level of intensity. Regardless of your workout experience, at end game you start as a team and you finish as a team. So in other words the last person finishing is just as important as the first to start. At end game there's a much greater sense of having strong ties with the people you'll come in contact with. When you come to end game everyone will know your name.
Once you experience end game training you'll quickly realize that your not just working out. Expect it to be emotional, intense, and awesome. Your reward will not be based on how much you can lift but how far you can go. Doing well is based on your ability to express yourself in overcoming as many different planes and activities you partake in life. Now im sure your probably thinking that this sounds too good to be true. If so, I encourage you to stop on by and judge for yourself. Always remember that we are physical embodiments of our manifestatons. If your seeking to look your best, and feel your best, than you need to experience End Game Training.
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